Mike: Well, let me introduce you to our unsub, Mr. Plaid, right. Look how he's sittin' -- upright, prepared. And what does that suggest? I'll give ya a hint. It begins with the letter M.
Liv: Military.
Mike: Mime.
Liv: That was my second guess.
Mike: Now, mime is an undervalued physical discipline. Their posture's active even when they sittin' still, and you won't ever hear 'em comin'. We might be lookin' at a killer mime.

Harry: Family. I had a family once—two loving parents. They promised to take me to Yellowstone to play with the yellow stones. I dreamed of us being there together in, I want to say, nature?
Kate: Mm-hm.
Harry: But the day we were supposed to leave, they died. [silence] That's the story. They died. It was sad. They're both dead.

Kate: This is nice. It's very charming.
Ben: Yeah. Definitely more relaxing than the car ride with Harry reciting every single Law & Order episode from the break.

Liv: I need to talk to you about something.
D'Arcy: Is this about who made a big snow penis outside town hall?
Liv: What?
D'Arcy: What?

Nope! That door is the family door. I'll meet you at the normal person door. [pounding continues]


Kate: You, uh, feelin' a bit of a draft there?
Harry: Yes, yes. The cold air on my underparts keeps my scrotum taut.
Ben: OK, well, I don't really want to know what's going on with your scrotum. Would you mind closing your robe, please?

Gravel is big dirt.


Don't worry about limpin' pigeons. Over time, they've developed the ability to fake ankle injuries to get more bread from people. It's sad. Used to be such a proud bird


D'Arcy: I'm glad I know.
Asta: Huh?
D'Arcy: About Harry. I don't want you to have to do all this alone anymore.

A human lifespan can last 85 years or more if they are lucky. It might seem long to humans, but when compared to the age of planet Earth, a human life would only be 141 seconds long. That is why it's important to live the best life they can, be the best human they can -- every day -- and appreciate the seconds they have with one another.

Harry [internal]

Resident Alien Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Harry: Family. I had a family once—two loving parents. They promised to take me to Yellowstone to play with the yellow stones. I dreamed of us being there together in, I want to say, nature?
Kate: Mm-hm.
Harry: But the day we were supposed to leave, they died. [silence] That's the story. They died. It was sad. They're both dead.

Mike: Well, let me introduce you to our unsub, Mr. Plaid, right. Look how he's sittin' -- upright, prepared. And what does that suggest? I'll give ya a hint. It begins with the letter M.
Liv: Military.
Mike: Mime.
Liv: That was my second guess.
Mike: Now, mime is an undervalued physical discipline. Their posture's active even when they sittin' still, and you won't ever hear 'em comin'. We might be lookin' at a killer mime.