I made a petition to make it a demonstration sport at the '92 Olympics. We lost.

Nolan [on competitive Tetris]

Shower guest: And what kind of club is that?
Victoria: Not bridge, I can tell you that.

Everyone at the club wanted to come, but Murray wouldn't let us take off at the same time.

Amanda's stripper friend

Victoria: Emily, I had no idea you were invited.
Emily: Well, I am the baby's godmother, so...
Victoria: Isn't being a godparent a religious tradition? Amanda never struck me as a God-fearing woman.
Emily: She doesn't fear much.

Padma: What can you tell me about a lawsuit Zingster.com brought against you in 2001?"
Nolan: Ever hear of them?
Padma: No.
Nolan: That's because they lost. End of story.

Charlotte: So, does anyone know any shower games?
Amanda's friend: Girl, do I.

Now you can monitor Boris and Natasha's every move.

Nolan [to Emily]


Victoria [to Amanda]
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Is that worry I detect in your voice?

Conrad [to Victoria]

In a race between danger and indecision, the difference between life and death comes down to confidence. Faith in our abilities, certainty in ourselves and the trust we put in others.


Why does this keep happening to me?


[to Daniel] My boy, at this moment there are things in play that dwarf your penchant for gullibility.


Revenge Season 2 Quotes

[on Victoria] You think she's somewhere looking up at us?


Nolan: What are you gonna do?
Emily: Play a hunch. I need to get a camera in there.