Missy: Your mom doesn’t want you to be like Austin. He was different, not better.
Cash: Then when am I studying to be like him?

Watch out for superstition. It’s a powerful thing


Isobel: I didn’t come this far to be left with nothing.
Hank: I get it. You’ve poured too much into McMurray Ranch to have it taken away by some bank.

I’m surrounded by a family of bull riders who inspire me to be fearless in everything I do.


I hope I can remind people that it’s okay to be lost sometimes and to know where you want to be in five years, let alone next week. If I’ve done that, then I think I’ve done my job.


Austin was my son. I miss him terribly. The important thing is that you tell your story. Don’t let anyone tell you how to do that.


If the guy swoops into town, and offers to save the day, no strings attached while wooing the resident widow, I’m not buying it. Neither are you.


Cash: Come on, I don’t want you to waste your life on another McMurray.
Missy: That is not your choice to make.
Cash: No, apparently, it’s my mother’s.
Missy: For the record, I’m not wasting my life. I’m good at this!

It doesn’t matter! All rich people are the same. They think everything’s for sale!


Missy: You were about to tell me something.
Cash: I think you’re about to be the best Miss Rodeo Rocky Mountain there’s ever been.

Missy: It’s your first official ride. All I’m saying is you've got to make sure you’re doing it for you and not for them.
Cash: You know, around here, there’s no difference.

I may have given birth to three sons, but I was blessed to have two daughters walk into my life. I need my girls. Let’s do this together as a family.


Ride Quotes

Missy: It’s your first official ride. All I’m saying is you've got to make sure you’re doing it for you and not for them.
Cash: You know, around here, there’s no difference.

Austin: First time I see you in years, and here you are trash-talking me to my wife.
Cash: Austin, it’s not like that.