Frankie: What was the falling out about?
Gang Unit Cop: I dunno. He made a grab for power, insulted someone's girlfriend or took the last stick of gum. You know, the usual crap.

So you can't talk about your case. Can you talk about yourself


I'm gonna miss this when it's over.


You think your life is never going to change and then one day it just does.


What's wrong with different? Different is interesting. Exciting.


I don't want a new cactus. I like this one. It's a survivor.


All right, what's wrong with you?


Maura: It appears that cause of death is traumatic limb loss.
Jane: (sarcastic): No!

Why is it when you can't use the ladies room, all you want to do is use the ladies' room?


How could you get carried away when you're so busy carrying everyone else?


Don't come any closer. I stepped on something. I think I'm standing on a land mine.


Let me explain something to you. This is one of the finest detectives I've ever known and he is standing out there all alone waiting to see if he's gonna blow up. I'm going!
