You know in homicide, the stakes are high, but not like this.


I want us to be like this forever. Nina Holliday, will you marry me?


Maura: Well I still am not going to say it was a miracle.
Jane: That doesn't mean that it wasn't.

I want to eat it, not settle down and have kids with it.


We're tired of crying.


Hasn't this family suffered enough?


Agent Davies: Do you have time for dinner?
Jane: A professional colleagues' dinner?

Who cares what the editor thinks? If you don't believe in it, then nobody else will.


Nothing was the same after Wendy died. It was like we didn't know how to be a family without her.


Jane: Please tell me you found some DNA and I'll give you a hundred bucks.
Maura: I did.
Jane: I'm not giving you 100 bucks but I'm really glad.

Frankie: You found grandma's earrings?
Angela: Yes I did, and I forgot what terrible taste your great-grandmother had.

Jane: You think it's the right move?
Vince: Eh. Don't ask me. I find big decisions are harder to make the older I get.