I have never doubted your ability to do this job, ever.


That takes care of all the junkies that like to read health warnings.


Marlo: You know what I hate most in the world.
Andy: Kittens? Laughter?
Marlo: Two girls standing in a room shouting about a guy who's not even there.

Marlo: Sam and I work because we keep an emotional distance.
Andy: That I can picture.

A little advice. Less goggly eyes.


Nick: Well if my goal this morning was to gross you out and then disfigure you...
Gail: You are doing so good.

Dov: You know that guys a fireman, right?
Chloe: So?
Dov: You're in a room full of cops and you're talking to a guy who basically operates a hose for a living.

No wonder he's falling for Andy.


Chloe: You're like a terrible person.
Gail: Like I haven't heard that before.

I'm not really a part of the inner sanctum.


Andy: We're really good friends still.
Monica: Yeah, I've heard that before.

Andy: Anything in the trunk.
Gail: No, just a teenage boy.
Andy: What?

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw