Beverly: Would it be rude of me to take my coffee in my room?
Roseanne: Go for it.
Jackie: Absolutely not.

The beads are ground, mom. They're dust!


Don't you think Bev would be more comfortable in your spare bedroom?


Roseanne: Jackie, did you know mom sleepwalks?
Jackie: Oh, that's dangerous. I heard if you leave your front door wide open a sleepwalker could wonder right out into traffic. I'm talking wide open.

While I have been picking up kids clothes, dealing with meltdowns, and cleaning up vomit you're dating a crayon.


It's a decorating choice called poverty.


Darlene: Why are you coming in through the window anyway?
David: Does your dad still live here?
Darlene: Yeah.
David: That's why I'm coming in through the window.

I'm vegan now. I have no upper arm strength.


Bev: What? I had sex. Is that so difficult to imagine?
Jackie: Not anymore. Now it's hard to stop imagining.

Hello Jackie. You look tired.


There is no reason to ever leave your family. You may think about it. You may dream about it. You may gas up your bike and make sandwiches, but you don't ever do it.


Oh he can walk in here. He just won't be able to walk out.


Roseanne Season 10 Quotes

What is this? Courtyard by Marriott?


No. No everybody, I got this. I have a few years left to live, and this is exactly how I want to spend it.
