Oh, man. Oh my god, I am screwed. You have been waiting for this moment from the second I got in bed with her. I am here because of her. It doesn't matter what the truth is, does it? The only thing that matters is I put my hands where you think they don't belong and now I'm in chains.


Huck: I pinged all of Jake's IP interfaces for the last two days which landed me in a geo-location data stream. Then I ran that through my QR-9 knock off and from there it was easy. He might of been wearing a cowbell.
Olivia: There's not a single word in that sentence I understood except cowbell.

Your daughter is dead. Your wife is rotting in jail for a crime she did not commit. Enjoy your fruit.


Olivia: What if I'm supposed to be saving him right now instead of sitting here drinking wine with you?
Rowan: Olivia, what could possibly have happened to a man like Jake?

Rowan: There's something about Jake that reminds me of myself at his age. I must admit that I wasn't the best at respecting the schedule of others, especially when the others were...lady friends.
Olivia: Okay, done.
Rowan: Sometimes you have to let a young lion roam free...
Olivia: So done!

  • Permalink: So done!
  • Added:

Olivia: Do we talk about this stuff? Let's not talk about this stuff. Even if we were normal...
Rowan: We're normal.
Olivia: In what context are we normal?
Rowan: We're not normal...
Olivia: Even if we were, normal people don't talk about...normal fathers and daughters don't...

Rowan: You drank a whole bottle of the cheap stuff by yourself.
Olivia: It's not cheap, it just not snobby.

Fitz: Mellie's in the residence.
Cyrus: Respectfully, sir, she's probably drunk, and in a coma from too much fried chicken. You're safe there.

Olivia: I'm working. I'm gladiating.
Quinn: You're getting your expensive pants dirty. What are you doing here?

That is what I do and there is no one better at it in the entire world than I am!


Olivia: I went with Jake.
Fitz: So I am a failure as a father and a husband and a man. Good to know. Heavy is the head that wears the crown they say.

Fitz: Liv, where did you go?
Olivia: Fitz...
Fitz: Where did you go? You just...took off for two months all alone?
Olivia: I...yes. I did. I needed some time alone. After everything I just needed to be alone.