Dr. Cox: Oh, my God. I gotta tell you about that day.
Jordan: I can't believe I haven't named him yet. I've been calling him Monkey Face all day - I think they would tease him at school.

Dr. Cox: Seriously, Jordan, I had this one patient-
Jordan: He's got a boodgie the size of a grape in his nose. Would you run back to the hospital and get me one of those suctiony thingies?
Dr. Cox: If I'm not back in twenty minutes, I don't want you to worry because it simply means I drove by a prostitute on the way home.
Jordan: Oh, make sure it's a girl.

Paul: Please don't do this.
Elliot: Do what?
Paul: The whole drama queen thing.
Elliot: The jerky incident is exactly what is wrong with our relationship, Paul!
Paul: Thank you.

Jamie: So, how does this whole wing-man thing work?
J.D.: Okay, essentially, you have to think of yourself as chum, okay?
Jamie: Okay.
J.D.: And your job as chum is to lure attractive women closer to the boat.
J.D.'s Narration: Mental note: "The Boat" could be a very cool new nickname.

Carla: Is this true!?
Turk: Ralphie, I paid you ten dollars!
Carla: This is disgusting!
Turk: Why is it disgusting?
Ralphie: Because it was in my butt!
Turk: Ralphie, I'm dead serious: I want you to shut up! And you shut your mouth, now!

Dr. Cox: Oh, ho, ho, ho, Scooby! A married woman whose husband is still in a coma? Hoo, hoo! Can't tell you how many happy couples I know who got started just that way.
J.D.: Oh, will you relax... we just got a beer. Whatta you got there?
Dr. Cox: One hundred free booger suckers - and you'll say nothing. Oh, and Toto, please, oh please, keep hanging out with her. Because I'm really gonna enjoy watching this one bite ya right on the ass. And I good & guarantee you - she will.

Jamie: So, you still haven't asked me why I called the hospital, pretended to be your sister, got your home address, and showed up in the middle of the night.
J.D.: Jamie, you've got a lot going on right now. I'm sure you're...a little confused...
Jamie: It's time for me to start my life over. And I would love to take you out to dinner, if you would be interested.
J.D.'s Narration: Holy crap!
Jamie: Jack wouldn't want my life to be over.
J.D.: Jack?
Jamie: My husband.
J.D.: Mr. Moyer!
Jamie: Call him Jack.
J.D.: I'd rather not.

Dr. Cox: Okay, Mrs. Brady, we're gonna try to break up your kidney stone with Lithotripsy. In the meantime, we're gonna put you on Percocet for the pain.
Mrs. Brady: I can't take pain-killers - Justin's still breast-feeding.
Dr. Cox: Ohh, you like milk, do ya? Hah. Why don't you get on your bike and go down to the store and get some.

Dr. Cox: What is with these mothers doting on their children? My God! It's like... it's like nobody else even exists in the world anymore! But I tell you one thing - and you damn sure take it to the bank - my mother never paid that much attention to me.
J.D.: It doesn't show.

Elliot: J.D., you'd trust me on something that was important to me, right?
J.D.: 'Course.
Elliot: See? That's what I'm looking for! Huh?
Paul: Elliot! We're talking about dried meat, here! Why would you get in the middle of this?
J.D.: I don't know what I was thinking.

Dr. Kelso: Son, a hospital staff is like a melting pot! We all need to respect each other. Now, if you think that a specific ethnic group is loud or lazy or sneaky...
J.D.: Or ridiculously closed-minded and inappropriate...
Dr. Kelso: Exactly!... Just keep it to yourself, dammit!

Dr. Kelso: What?
Janitor: Oh, nothing, sir. I just-I thought of something funny.
Dr. Kelso: Well, maybe what you should do instead is saddle up your mop and head upstairs - someone has vomited in the second, third, and fifth floor hallways.

Scrubs Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

Jamie: ...Kiss me.
J.D.: I could do that.
Jamie: Mm! You went left! Very cool.
J.D.'s Narration: Thank you, Rowdy!

Jamie: So, it's cold outside - you wanna come back to my place?
J.D.: Uhh... Honestly, I think you--you might be moving a little fast for yourself. And there's a part of me that's very angry I just said that.
Jamie: I'm so sick of being alone, you know?
J.D.: I'll tell you what, if you look me in the eyes and you tell me that you're really ready to start something right now... we won't even need a cab - I will, like, I will throw you over my shoulder and just sprint the twelve miles to your house!