You know, Benjamin, it's not a bad thing that you play with it, it's just that your mom wants you to take breaks for meals!

Dr. Norris

Dr. Norris: Is his temperature under a hundred-point-five?
Dr. Cox: Barely.
Dr. Norris: Eating, peeing, pooing?
Dr. Cox: Sometimes all at the same time. Come on, it's a really persistent cough. What do you say?
Dr. Norris: Office hours, tomorrow, 5 o'clock. Bye-bye.
Dr. Cox: I'm gonna go ahead and put this in a language that you can understand. (puppet voice) You had better see my son now, or I'm gonna kick your ass.

Dr. Cox: Hello, David. I've been expecting you.
Dr. Norris: Agh!
Dr. Cox: Yeah, I just thought I'd come by and play with some of your stuffed animals and, I know, I know, they're "for the kids", heh. Also, wanted to let you know that I will be bringing my son by this morning.
Dr. Norris: Yeah, I don't think so, there, chief. Where's Mr. Cookiepants?
Dr. Cox: Oh, que pasa?
Dr. Norris: I said, Where's Mr. Cookiepants!?
Dr. Cox: He's in a safe place, Dave.
Dr. Norris: If you touch one hair on his head, I swear to God I'll inject your kid with chickenpox!
Dr. Cox: No, you won't.
Dr. Norris: I know. For God's sakes, it's an innocent doll!
Dr. Cox: No, David. It's a collectible.
Dr. Norris: Whatever.

Elliot: The kid's a good doctor, he just... falls apart every time Kelso looks over his shoulder.
Sean: Well, why don't you just tell Kelso to back off?
Elliot: I-I've taken a lot of positive steps this year but when it comes to standing up to Kelso, I just... I can't get over that hump yet. He's like my white whale.
Sean: Yeah... Mine's Frank.
Elliot: Oh, no, I meant like in 'Moby Dick' - Kelso is a giant pain in my ass.
Sean: Oh. Well, thing is, I love Frank. Just... he can drive me crazy every now and then.

You be nice to the teacher, okay? I'm sleeping with him... Oh, my God! I haven't said that since college!


Dr. Cox: Mmmmgh! Norris hasn't budged, and he just moved the appointment back to six, the rat-bastard!
Jordan: Watch your language in front of the kid, you stupid bicky-bicky!... You see, I am adapting. You, on the other hand, are behaving like a complete lunatic.

Jordan: Carla?
Carla: Hm?
Jordan: You're one of them bossy-pants types who always tells people their problems whether they ask for it or not, right?
Carla: I like to think I've learned when to hold back.
Jordan: You're in.
Carla: You've totally lost sight of what's important, here. You are a parent now, okay? You don't come first anymore-
Jordan: No.
Carla: You've got to do what's best for your son, even if it means sucking up to the one doctor on earth who's more obnoxious than you are.
Jordan: Well...
Carla: Oh, my God. I loved doing that so much, it makes my hand shake a little!

Elliot: So, how are your interns doing?
Doug: Hey, yeah, it still burns a little, but at least I can hear okay.

Dr. Kelso: Fantastic, sport. But that's the brachial artery and it's not how we draw blood. Now, if we need to inject him with heroin, you'll be the first one I call.
Elliot: Dr. Kelso...
Dr. Kelso: What is it, Dr. Reid? Do you have something to say?
Elliot: ...No.
Dr. Kelso: You know, son, you remind me of her so much, you're just a break-down in the supply closet away from being the same person!

J.D.: Look, Brian, if you're having that much trouble with your case report, I'd be glad to take a look at it for you, pal.
Brian: Cool. Try to have it back by 5.
J.D.: O...kay. I have a lot of things to do...but...

J.D.: S-sh-I don't care, Sean!
J.D.: Come on, Turk!
Turk: Hey. I just wanted you to know I don't have a problem with you, I just can't resist a good storm-off.
Sean: Oh, who can?

Turk: Think about it, man. Cox has taught you the most since you've been here, right? Do you really think he gives a damn whether you like him or not?
J.D.: I'd like to think so.
Dr. Cox: Out of my way, space-waster!
Turk: I felt the love.
J.D.'s Narration: Catch him and kick him in his junk!

Scrubs Season 3 Quotes

Oh, so you're going to sock me again. Good God, Perry, at a certain point you're just beating up an old man.

Dr. Kelso

Now, I would've never figured it out unless you guys had done the leg work. You four deserve all the credit, really... Mrs. Farr, Dr. Cox has saved the day! Don't ya just love it?

Dr. Cox