Tor: What month were you born in?George: April.Tor: You should've been born in August.

He saw that show on anorexia last year; ate like a pig for two weeks!


George: What should I do, Kramer?Jerry: Well for one thing, don't listen to him.

Women go after doctors like men go after models, they want someone with knowledge of the body, we just want the body.


Yeah if you're exposed to gamma rays!


Well it's like the Capulets and the Montagues.


My name is Bob!


Tor: No. You know, I am not a business man. I'm a holistic healer. It's a calling, it's a gift. You see, it's in the best interest of the medical profession that you remain sick. You see, that insures good business. You're not a patient. You're a customer.
Jerry: And you're not a doctor, but you play one in real life.

I'm an eggplant!


Boy, they've got a great cafeteria downstairs. Hot food, sandwiches, a salad bar. It's like a Sizzler's opened up a hospital!


Hoh hoh hoh, yes! Yes...Cleveland 117, San Antonio 109.


Could it be...luke-warm?


Seinfeld Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

That's it! Flaming globes of Sigmund! Flaming globes of Sigmund! That's my note! That's what I thought was so funny? That's not funny. There's nothing funny about that.


Hi, George, how you feeling? Is anybody getting your apartment?
