Carrie: I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies: two seemingly different ideas that might just be perfect together-like chocolate and peanut butter.

Aidan, you can't keep punishing me,and I can't keep punishing me. I made a mistake and I am sorry, and I know that you can't forget what happened, but I hope that you can forgive me. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me, Aidan. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me.


When men attempt bold gestures, generally it's considered romantic. When women do it, it's often considered desperate or psychotic.


Baby talk is the worst. It's like putting ketchup on prime rib. Stop it, you're ruining it!


Maria: You call this a relationship?
Samantha: Well, its tedious and the sex is dwindeling, so from what I've heard, yes!

Miranda: I might have a ghost.
Carrie: I might have to hear that again.
Miranda: There were strange noises upstairs last night. The cat heard it too.
Carrie: Well, if the cat heard it . . .

Does he look better, or have I just been with a woman for too long?

Samantha (<i>about Aidan</i>)

Samantha: (About her relationship with Maria) All we ever do is lie around, take baths together and talk about feelings.
Charlotte: I think they call that a relationship.
Samantha: I don't know how you people do it! All that emotional chow chow, it's exhausting!
Miranda: I know, don't you just hate that?
Carrie: Women!

Steve: You came! I'm so glad! So, what do you think?
Miranda: I think...I think you did good.
Steve: Really? You mean it?
Miranda: Mhm.
Steve: 'Cause I never would've done this, if it wasn't for you.
Miranda: What are you talking about? I didn't do anything.
Steve: Are you kidding me? This whole thing was your idea! You always told me I should start my own bar. I never forgot that. I just never thought that I could, so... thanks.
Miranda: (kisses his cheek) You did good.

(to Carrie's answering machine) Your good friend Miranda has just taken a piece of cake out of the garbage and eaten it. You will probably need this information when you check me into the Betty Crocker Clinic.


Trey: Charlotte, I want you to move back in, and get rid of this old apartment. Stay all night, every night, and wake up next to me every morning, and be my wife.
Charlotte: You do?
Trey: Yeah. I've talked it over with my penis, and we both agree.

When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt it fed me more.


Sex and the City Season 4 Quotes

Samantha: Who do you all fantasize about?
Carrie and Miranda: Russell Crowe
Carrie: Jinx! You owe me a Coke!
Miranda: That's amazing. What did women do before Russell Crowe?
Samantha and Carrie: George Clooney

Carrie: The longer I sat at that table, the more alone I felt. And it really hit me: I am 35 and alone!
Miranda: You are not alone.
Carrie: No, I know I have you guys, but...and really, I hate myself a little for saying this, felt really sad not to have a man in my life who cares about me. No special guy to wish me happy birthday. No goddamn soulmate. And I don't even know if I belive in soulmates.
Charlotte: Don't laugh at me, but maybe we could be each others soulmates? And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with?
Samantha: Well, that sounds like a plan.
Carrie: I'm 35. 35 is not 25.
Miranda: Thank God!
Carrie: I'm 35!
Samantha: Oh, shut the f*** up. I'm 140!