Sorry Sap, you're going to have to cover for me one more time.


Are you going to dress up prostitutes to look like me too? You might have a hard time; I have a very specific look.


Is this your malpractice confession for the civil war surgery you did on my shoulder?


I don't care if you’re internal affairs or the Pope, you double cross Woz, that's a death wish.


I made a mistake thinking I could fix this mess alone, string the Feds along, keep everything in flux until I could figure a way out for everyone, for me, for you, for the crew, for Cristina. I couldn't and it only got worse.


My dad used to say, "Beat your kid every day. If you don't know the reason why, they will."


Bianci: Think of a place where you feel safe, whole. Some day that place will be violated and when you're lying on your back, bleeding out, you can reflect on why you chose not to get that beer.
Woz: Oooh. I drink whiskey.

Harlee: Did you just transition from murder to romance?
Nava: Adeptly, I thought.
Harlee: Well, points for degree of difficulty.

Harlee: You're dragging me back in.
Stahl: Yeah, 'cause it was such a blast the first time around.

From now on I'm taking the right road, no matter how hard it is, no matter where it takes us.


You killed Saperstein because you were out of control and paranoid. I did what I did to protect my daughter.


Every smile, every conversation, you looked me in the eyes while you were twisting the knife in my back. You're a liar. You're a coward, and you're a rat.
