Well, the Eternal Engineer, he's always been a social engineer, hasn't he? He'd have to be. He rendered us all into his system. And even though his engine may be eternal, the rest of Snowpiercer? She still runs on meat. All one thousand thirty-four cars long.


Can you do it, Layton? No, you're not an engineer. How can you expect to lead the train? You don't even understand how it works.


LJ: Oh no, here comes Hospitality.
Oz: Ok, so this is where we shine, LJ. We do a bang-up job, they can't take Janitorial away from us. Yeah? Ready.
LJ: Let's janitor this bitch.

Ruth: Sam, how worried are you?
Roche: I'm always worried when you start using my first name.

Ruth: We had order for seven years. I know it was Melanie but they were his rules, weren't they?
Roche: Yes, we had order. You want to do that job again? Taking arms? Running a gulag at the back of the train?

Ben: Pick up, Big Alice. I know you're listening, you psychotic old goat.
Wilford: Hello, Ben. You sound needy.

I stayed because I feel a pull. Right here. After everything you've done to me, I don't understand it, but I'm still here.


I thought I'd be used to death by now. What's eight lives against the seven billion we lost in The Freeze? But it's different this way. This isn't the cold. This is us. People. Wasting each other to violence. We can't stop. It's our answer for everything. We get lost in it. I got lost in it. And now, all I want is for it to stop. I want just one night where I close my eyes and I'm not afraid of what's on the other side. One night where I don't feel so alone on Snowpiercer, one thousand and thirty-four cars long.


We all crave stability. But Wilford brings Order. We just have to suffer for a moment to get to our salvation.

Pastor Logan

This is what I do. I help people reconnect with what they've lost.


Oh, you're in so deep, Detective, you can't even see what's in front of you. You think you're so smart, but you're always two steps behind. This train needs change. A new shepherd. And that revolution is starting. Right now.


Knowing you would do anything for him is the most wonderful feeling in the world. That loyalty... that loyalty, it's relief. It's a love very few people understand.


Snowpiercer Season 2 Quotes

Hope was our only seedling in the war of Big Alice, forty cars long, versus Snowpiercer, nine hundred and ninety-four cars strong.


On the eve of our nineteenth revolution, the great Mr. Wilford came out of the cold. It was the time of two engines. The Tail no longer the tail but a borderland. A time of great gamesmanship and great trainsmanship, of revolutions interrupted, and fresh track on new terrain.
