(Korn catches the pirate ghosts in a net.)
Jonathan Davis: Now let's see who these pirate ghosts really are.
(The pirate ghosts disappear.)
Jonathan Davis: Oh I guess they really were pirate ghosts.

Randy: Here's Korn's van!
Lady in mob: Let's flip it over!
Officer Barbrady: Okay people, let's try to stay orderly. The best way to do this is to all get on one side and push from the top.

DJ: Well here's some kids enjoying the Halloween haunt now. Hey boys, what do you think of cozy FM's Halloween haunt so far?
Stan: This one time, like eight months ago, I saw two guys kissing in a park. And that was the gayest thing I'd ever seen until I saw the cozy FM Halloween haunt.

What the hell? What the f--k is this?
(Mumbling as two more speeders fly by and bomb him to bits; then the rats converge on him.)


Voice: Hi Kyle.
Kyle: (hops back) Aaaah!
Cartman: (who's providing the voice) Have you been a good boy, Kyle? Have you been making Grandma proud?
Kyle: Dammit Cartman! That's not funny!
Stan: (chuckling) Eh, eh! Yes it is.
Cartman: Heh heh, I'm sweet.
Kyle: Alright, alright, let's get this over with so we can put her back.
Stan: Okay, grab the sled.

Oh! Nibblet!

South Park Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Mr. Garrison: Nothing ever went wrong in this town before that evil Korn band showed up.
Sharon Marsh: Well I say we go find them and kick their devil-worshipping butts out of town!

Liane: Eric's not fat. He's just big boned.
Kyle: Well he must have a huge bone up his ass, then!