Hey Boot, how did your parents punish you? Did your Daddy pick the marshmallows out of your hot chocolate or did he just get really disappointed?


Officer: Does anyone really care that Mel Gibson's compound burns down?
Ben: Not me.
Officer: Guy probably has three other houses where he can beat up his girlfriend.

Kid: I didn't know cops talked like that to kids.
John: What are you gonna do? Arrest me?

They left two things behind, me and the trash.


John: Can't put a price tag on man's best friend.
Ben: Sure you can.

Southland cops know when the Santa Ana winds blow, you learn just how close you are to the edge.


Spider: What, do you run ironman?
Sammy: No Spider. This is what happens when little gangster shitheads smoke cigarettes.

You know, Superboot. He may lose control of his prisoner, but there's never a hair out of place.


Why run when you can drive? One more thing they didn't teach you at the academy.


I caught a couple of scenes with Mutt and Jeff. I can't figure out which one's the bigger idiot.


Save the chivalry for Buckingham Palace. There's no place for it on the street.


Most of us go to work every day with a pretty good idea of what's going to happen. As Detective Bryant would be reminded today, cops never do.


Southland Quotes

It seems like it changes nothing... but every once and awhile, you get to take a bad guy off the streets for good. And that, my friend, is God's work.

John Cooper

Taking a life is a big deal to me.

Ben Sherman