Stan: Who's going to the hospital?
Denise: You. You have that thingie where they check your doodad so you don't get the YIKES up your Hellooo!

Oscar the Grouch lives in garbage and nobody cares!


Stan: What is this place is all topsy-turvy like in the Poseidon Adventure so the basement is the attic.
Girl: It's not.
Stan: OK. So what we have here is an upside-down Poseidon Adventure where everything is exactly as it should be. That's brilliant. That's brilliant.

Shut up! I'm feeling bossy and I LIKE IT!


Stan: You've been all the way down there?
Girl: Yeah.
Stan: You're a better man than me.

Stan: One time somebody sacrificed their own life just to save mine, and that's a heavy burden, and I get that now. So I gotta, you know I...
Nurse: Pay it forward?
Stan: If that was an expression, yeah.
Nurse: It is an expression.
Stan: No it's not.
Nurse: Yes, it was a movie.
Stan: No, not it wasn't.
Nurse: Stanley, Stanley, Stanley. [morphs into Duquette] I do believe you're ready.

Denise: Are you sure you're saying it right?
Evie: Am I sure I'm pronouncing the dead language correctly? No, I'm not sure!

Stan Against Evil Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Oscar the Grouch lives in garbage and nobody cares!


Stan: Who's going to the hospital?
Denise: You. You have that thingie where they check your doodad so you don't get the YIKES up your Hellooo!