Burnham: The needs of the many...
Tyler: ...are worth fighting for, are worth dying for. But so are the needs of the few.

Our futures look different. You go back to your lake house and I go back to prison. My sentence was life. This is just temporary.


Order One restricts us from revealing ourselves to sentient beings that aren't warp-capable. We're well beyond that. Now our duty is to follow First Contact protocol. And we can't borrow or alter their property without them understanding our objective and agreeing to it.


Do not mistake me for your fallen idol...T'Kuvma! He sought unity. I seek only Klingon supremacy under my rule.


Burnham: Kelpians pursued by apex predators have exceeded speeds of eighty kilometers per hour. They can also sense predators from a distance as much as ten kilometers.
Saru: And we particularly enjoy being discussed in the third person while present.

Just as repetition reinforces repetition, change begets change....Sometimes the only way to find out where you fit in is to step out of the routine. Because sometimes, where you really belong was waiting right around the corner all along.


Burnham: What I'm feeling is complicated... and strange.
Tyler: It's okay. I'm not going anywhere.
Burnham: What is it?
Tyler: I'm just sad we missed our first kiss.

Stella: Harcourt! Where have you been? I have been so worried about you.
Mudd: It's been such a tumultuous year. I couldn't even begin to explain.
Stella: Try.

And you almost pulled it off. Except for me, because I exist outside the normal time stream.


I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Never hide who you are. That's the only way relationships work


There really are so many ways to blow up this ship. It's almost a design flaw.
