Mariner: I heard the captain's getting a promotion.
Boimler: Woah. Really? Good for her!
Mariner: Bad for us. I don't want a whole new captain. We could end up with some weirdo with a riding crop.

Boimler: Captain Freeman Day's only a week away! My decorations HAVE to be the best.
Rutherford: Isn't that a craft day for toddlers?
Boimler: Not anymore.

Boimler: Then we get to line up in the hallway, right? And then we all applaud while the captain walks off the ship for the last time.
Tendi: Oooh, that sounds great.
Mariner: It sounds like betrayal. But with clapping.

Tendi: I saw her delete me from the system.
Rutherford: What? No way! That's crazy. You're like the nicest person in sickbay.
Tendi: I don't think that Dr. T'Ana cares about being nice. She's more into hostility. Argh, I should've been more mean!

Every ship in the fleet depends on officers like us to keep them running. The bridge crew is maybe the ones you hear about but, trust me, the real action begins on the lower decks.


They're all from moons. Look at them. Probably talking about tides and werewolves... I was so close!


Shaxs: Take your neverending bonfire of rage and bury it in the clay.
Rutherford: Get out of here, rage!

You are a true Klingon. You may be smaller and weaker, slower and smaller than my other officers, but you have a warrior's spirit.

Klingon Captain

Boimler: I wish I served on a ship that had built-in social structures like with Binars or Klingons.
Mariner: Um, have you ever been on a Klingon ship? I don't think you'd like it.
Boimler: They've been warping around the quadrant for centuries. I bet their lower decks are a lot nicer than you think.

Vulcan Captain: T'Lin, get a hold of yourself. These outbursts will not be tolerated. Two days. Work on your self-control. Through silent meditation.
T'Lin: Captain, I believe that I can modify ...
Vulcan Captain: Beliefs, feelings, instincts. You are behaving like a child.

Well, you've got twelve hours. Why don't you rub some elbows and make a new friend?


I have combat training all day. Save me a seat at lunch. Unless I die an honorable death. Then, someone else can have it.


Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2 Quotes

You snuck off in the middle of my shift without saying goodbye! You know who my best friend is now? My mom! It sucks! It's like work.


I used to sneak away and do all sort of little, off-the-books side missions without cluing her in. Now, that's impossible. She's so happy. It's very sweet. But I am losing my mind. I don't know how much longer I can do this.
