Every ship in the fleet depends on officers like us to keep them running. The bridge crew is maybe the ones you hear about but, trust me, the real action begins on the lower decks.


You are a true Klingon. You may be smaller and weaker, slower and smaller than my other officers, but you have a warrior's spirit.

Klingon Captain

Strange how they broke off and retreated, though. Klingons typically want to die in battle. Honestly, I get it.


Freeman: Sherri Yin Yim is no longer working for Starfleet. Apparently, she's stepped down because of on the job stress.
Mariner: Feels good, ruining a jerk's career.

It hurts me to say this, but maybe the bridge crew's jobs are actually harder than we thought.


Drills, what a waste of time. I'd even take real work over this, like, fake, pretend work.


Mirror Billups: Nothing makes me hornier than torturing someone. I'm horny all the time.
Mirror Rutherford: And being horny always gets me in the mood to torture!
Mirror Billups: You can lose a whole day to that cycle.

Mariner: I can't believe we didn't even make it out of the space dock.
Freeman: There's not even a numerical score for that. Just 'incomplete'
Mariner: Oof, somehow, that feels worse.

T'Ana: There we go. Nothing a little lung rejuvenation won't fix.
Freeman: See? You're fine.
Mariner: Oh yeah. Act like it's not a big deal you left us to die in the void.
Ransom: This all could've been avoided if you'd followed protocol and signed out your magnet boots.
Mariner: Or maybe that wouldn't have even mattered since lower decks are so expendable to you.
Shaxs: Ridiculous! We're all equals on this ship. Right?
Ransom: Um, they sleep in a hallway.
Shaxs: Oh.

Borg Queen: A remarkable creature. Your design very nearly passes as human.
Boimler: I am human...?
Borg Queen: Ew! Well, then you need to drink more water. Your skin is a mess. But still, I think I should add your biological distinctiveness to our own. It's kind of our thing.

Freeman: Not going to argue with you, Beckett! I have to make impossible life and death decisions every day.
Mariner: Yeah, no kidding. It's always our life or death!

Mother! If you're planning on tricking me into intercourse, think again. The only lady I love is two decks tall and pumped full of dilithium.


Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2 Quotes

You snuck off in the middle of my shift without saying goodbye! You know who my best friend is now? My mom! It sucks! It's like work.


I used to sneak away and do all sort of little, off-the-books side missions without cluing her in. Now, that's impossible. She's so happy. It's very sweet. But I am losing my mind. I don't know how much longer I can do this.
