I hate this vile Cube. It's obscene. As are you and your XBs. But that isn't why these things died. They died because of you.


You might want to point that thing at my head. My heart is solid duritanium.


Kestra: I'm not really a Viveen Wild Girl of the Woods.
Soji: You had me fooled.
Kestra: My arrows are real though. But I would never shoot you because I'm a pacifist. But I could.

Picard: I know it must be very hard. Everything you believed in. Your memories, your identity...
Soji: My dreams. My body. My parents. My sister. All of it was fake.

Troi: You're in trouble. How bad?
Picard: Bad enough.

Riker: That time you were flying off to Romulus, to plan the Great Supernova Rescue. Do you remember what I said?
Picard: 'So you want to be ass-deep in Romulans for the rest of your life?'
Riker: I believe I also reminded you of Newton's Fourth Law of Thermodynamics.
Picard: No good deed goes unpunished.
Riker: Right.

Troi: You cut out the venom sacs?
Kestra: Nope! I left them in so we could all spew black bile and die.
Riker: Pizza with tomato, basil, and non-venomous bunnycorn sausage!
Picard: Sounds wonderful.

Kestra: Can you play the violin?
Soji: No.
Kestra: Do you like Sherlock Holmes?
Soji: I guess so.
Kestra: Can you run super fast, jump really high, and bend steel with your hands?
Soji: Turns out, yes, I can.
Kestra: Weird!
Soji: Tell me about it.

Kestra: So, okay, you have blood. You have spit?
Soji: I do.
Kestra: Mucus?
Soji: Yes, I have mucus.
Kestra: Data did NOT have mucus.

[Data] could do all these amazing things but all he ever really wanted to do was have dreams and tell jokes and learn how to ballroom dance.


Kestra: Don't cry. I think you're amazing.
Soji: Because I have mucus?
Kestra: And because you're three years old so I get to be the boss of you.

Troi: I'm not as brave as I used to be, Jean-Luc
Picard: Then you're getting wiser.

Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

You might want to point that thing at my head. My heart is solid duritanium.


I hate this vile Cube. It's obscene. As are you and your XBs. But that isn't why these things died. They died because of you.
