The future of the Borg does not lie in assimilation, but evolution.

Borg Queen

Riker: You had this in there the whole time? A phaser and you didn’t use it?
Worf: Swords are fun.

There was a moment today when I was worried we might actually survive.


Captain’s Log. Stardate… Shall we say, One?


Hansen is reckless. She’s unrelenting. Doesn’t give a damn about protocol or procedure. However, she’s brave. And loyal and the book that she writes is going to be great and the rules that she breaks, maybe they were broken to begin with.


I have been told tears are the body’s weapon against pain.


It seems being human is just as difficult as the desire to be human and infinitely more complex than I ever considered.


Raffi: I still can’t believe Starfleet saw fit to give a thief, a pirate, and a spy their own ship.
Jack: Bunch of ne’er-do-wells and rulebreakers, really.
Seven: What could possibly go wrong?

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

It is confirmed. Your son is the command signal.


This is President Anton Chekov of the United Federation of Planets, broadcasting on all emergency channels. Do not approach Earth. A signal of unknown origin has turned our young against us. They have been assimilated by the Borg. Our fleet has been compromised and as we speak, our planetary defenses are falling. Sol Station is defending Earth as best it can, but we’re almost out of time. We have not been able to find a way to stop this Borg signal and unassimilate our young. But I know if my father were here, he’d remind us all that hope is never lost. There are always possibilities. Until then, I implore you. Save yourselves. Farewell.
