Nothing is more elusive than a door the mind doesn’t wish to open.


Jack: I don’t know what they are. Or what they mean.
Troi: Symbols have nothing but meaning.

Jack: So many blossoms. So much life. Thousands of flowers. So very different, but beneath the soil, the vines are connected.
Troi: Do you find that comforting?
Jack: Not comforting, no. No, right. True. Purposeful. Perfect.

Biology doesn’t always need words to communicate. Flocks of birds turn in unison. The architecture of a beehive, an ant colony, all wordlessly connected. Some transceivers and receivers are organic. So too must be the technology inside Jack.


Jack: The Borg. That’s quite the explanation. A life of disconnection only to realize I’m emblematic of what? A bee? Seeking a hive for a collective, for a queen?
Picard: Subconsciously, perhaps.
Jack: So how much of me is me?

Funny. I’ve always known the world was imperfect. The broken systems, the wars, suffering, violence, poverty, bigotry. And I always thought if people could only see each other, hear each other, speak in one voice, act in one mind, together. Who knew a little cybernetic authoritarianism was the answer?


Jack: You said you’d never give up on me.
Picard: Starfleet protocols dictate that we act in the interests…
Jack: …of what?
Picard: Of everyone else.
Jack: And what about the protocols of a father? Or were you never issued those?

If she wants me, then I’ll trade myself for answers, and when she’s close enough to give them, I’ll show her exactly who and what I am.


Data: Would you like me to say something comforting?
Picard: You might find that impossible.
Data: I know.

Picard: We need to get to the Sol System right now.
Shaw: Um, smack dab in the middle of Frontier Day, where pretty much every Starfleet vessel is assembled, running exercises, with our faces pinned to their dartboard?
Picard: It’s our only option, Captain.
Shaw: Of course it is.

Two hundred and fifty years ago today, the Enterprise NX-01, the first Warp Five-capable vessel to be constructed by human hands made its maiden voyage. With it, a crew of eighty-three souls embarked on a journey, one of bravery, perseverance, and sacrifice that would lead to the birth of what we know today as Starfleet!


Borg Queen: Jack, my child. My flesh, blood. For all my darkness, you are light. For all my suffering, you are life.
Jack: I don’t know what I am, but I know I’m not yours.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Jack: I don’t know what they are. Or what they mean.
Troi: Symbols have nothing but meaning.

Nothing is more elusive than a door the mind doesn’t wish to open.
