Troi: We went [to Nepenthe] for Thad, but it’s not really my cup of tea.
Riker: Honey, it’s not mine either.
Troi: That house. It’s like it was designed by a cabal of retro-Prairie hipsters.
Riker: Even the way the front steps groaned at me!
Troi: It’s a very judgy foyer. And those birds! Every morning, like screaming babies.
Riker: Nepenthian red-winged banshees. Horrible. You know what they say. The only thing worse than a woodpecker?
Troi: Is a two-headed woodpecker!

Vadic: Tell me about someone who loves you.
Mura: My son.
Vadic: A son. Picard has a son. Why don’t you tell him to come up here?
Mura: I can’t. Because I’m Starfleet.
Vadic: Now you see what control looks like?

Shaw: You should’ve blown the turbolift.
Seven: But I didn’t. And I’d make the same decision again. I draw the line at trading lives.
Shaw: You are a Starfleet officer. You don’t have the luxury to only make choice that feel hunky-dory. Everything has consequences.

Troi: You’ve changed. I can feel it.
Riker: In the nebula, I came face to face with bleakness.

Jack: I’ll say this, you don’t spend a lifetime practicing the art of charismatic deflection because you want to invite people in.
Troi: Well, as a counselor, I would normally wait for you to seek me out but I think we can both agree that the quickest path to the truth is what everyone needs right now.

One’s personal space is a right.


Troi: Though your beard has gone from brown to gray to blood red. The face of an old man who can still take a punch. Almost.
Riker: I’ve missed you, imzadi.
Troi: Imza…I should’ve taught you another word. Yintoru?
Riker: Yintoru. What does that mean?
Troi: Baby of immense size.

Let’s be clear then, shall we? I am not a changeling. I have never changed into or from anything. I am who I am. A talker. Not sleight of hand, but sleight of word. All just to distract from this, this, this feeling that I have … I’ve always been different.


I have slaughtered countless enemies over the years and considered sending their heads to all of you, but I was advised that that was… passive-aggressive.


Data, I know you’re in there. So I need you to listen to me because Life rarely gives you second chances to say what you should. Data, you made me better. You did. You made me a better man, a better father, better friend. And when you died, it broke me. But, see, you put me back together, you repaired me, the memory of you.


Beverly: There never would’ve been a war had the Changelings not initiated it.
Vadic: Necessity. Solids like you were coming and you ruin every world you touch.
Picard: Name one.
Vadic: Mine. We were barely out of the gates of war and your Federation turned to genocide.

Alandra: Why is Lore doing this?
Geordi: Chaos. He loves the chaos.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Quotes

Laris: Jean-Luc, you don’t need to prove to me how ready you are for this. How in-the-present you are. The past matters and that’s okay.
Picard: Laris, these things from my past, they are so dear to me. They’re mementos of dear friends, old and new. But they’re memories.

Laris: First love is always the sweetest, isn’t it?
Picard: Well, she wasn’t the first, but she was certainly my favorite.