Batel: Take some time. Talk it over with your counsel.
Una: How can he counsel me when he works for you?

I knew you were stubborn. I just didn’t think you were stupid.


Pike: Old fears can be hard to let go of. But we were wrong about Illyrians. All of us. I was wrong.
Neera: Congratulations, you discovered empathy. Let me know when the rest of your Federation catches up.

Neera: Are you attempting to bribe me, Mr. Pike?
Pike: I’m trying to convince you. I’m trying to save an old friend and maybe do some good here. Are you?

Neera: You’re a piece of work, Pike.
Pike: Yeah, but you still haven’t said no.

Neera: You had your play time acting like one of them. Accept your dismissal, take your licks, and go home.
Una: No.
Neera: Why not?
Una: Because I shouldn’t have to hide anymore. None of us should.

Una: Put me on the stand. Let them see that being an Illyrian doesn’t change who I am as an officer.
Neera: Are you being funny? You were never funny.

No inspiring speeches today. Today, if you want to help Una, the best thing you can do is leave the talking to others.


Captain Batel is right. Permanent genetic modification is illegal under Federation Law. Slavery was once legal. Apartheid was legal. Discrimination against people for how they worshiped, how they loved, their gender, the color of their skin. All legal at one time or another. A law does not make something just.


If a law is not just, then I ask, how are we to trust those who created that law to serve justice?


Neera: Would it be fair to say that you would not have joined Starfleet if not for Commander Chin-Reilly?
La’an: Counselor, I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Una.

It’s how they make us feel. They look down at us for so long that we begin to look down at ourselves. Genetics is not destiny despite what you may have been taught.


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I knew you were stubborn. I just didn’t think you were stupid.


Batel: Take some time. Talk it over with your counsel.
Una: How can he counsel me when he works for you?