Eleven: When I was in there, I saw something. There was blood. So much blood.
Brenner: That was another memory, a... a more powerful one, invading from your subconscious. You have demons, Eleven. You have demons in your past. That is why we must proceed carefully.

Do you know what happens when someone has a stroke? The blood supply to the brain is cut off. It scrambles the signals in the brain to the point where the mind can forget how to do things. To eat. To speak. To walk.


What are you doing here, Max? Would you like to join them?


Hatch said that music can reach parts of the brain that words can't. So maybe that's the key, a lifeline. A lifeline back to reality. It's worth a shot.


Billy: You know, I think there's a part of you, buried somewhere deep, that wanted me to die that day. That was maybe even relieved. Happy.
Max: Billy, no, that's not true.
Billy: That's why you stood there, isn't it, Max? It's okay. You can admit it now. No more lies.

Dear Billy, I don't know if you can even hear this. Two years ago, I would have said, 'That's ridiculous, impossible.' "But that was before I found out about alternate dimensions and monsters, so... I'm just going to stop assuming that I know anything. So much has happened since you left. Your dad was a total mess. He and my mom started getting into fights. Bad fights. I don't think he could stand being here without you. So he left. And he didn't leave Mom much. She's taken an extra job, and we moved to that lovely trailer park off Kerley. Basically, ever since you left, everything's been... A total disaster. And the worst part is, I can't tell anyone why you're gone. I can't tell them that you saved El's life. That you saved my life. I play that moment back in my head all the time. And sometimes I imagine myself running to you, pulling you away. I imagine that if I had, that you would still be here. And everything would be... ( sobs ) ...everything would be right again. I imagine that we... That we could've become friends. Good friends, like... like a real brother and sister. And I know that's stupid. You hated me.I hated you. But I thought that maybe... Maybe we could try again. But that's not what happened. I just... I stood there and I watched. For a while, I tried to be happy. Normal. But I... I think that maybe a part of me died that day too. And I haven't told anyone this. I... I just can't. But I had to tell you. Before it's too late. If you can even hear this. I really hope that you can. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Billy. Love, your shitty little sister, Max.


Murray: There I was, headed down the I-5, going to see a client in Ventura. I'm looking for a motel to stay for the night, and suddenly, bam, it hits me. "Didn't the Byers move here?" Small world, isn't it?
Joyce: It's a small world.
Murray: So I thought, Hey, you know what? Why don't I drop in, say hello to my old friends?

Argyle: I know this may be, like, upsetting and shit, but that future prom queen is gonna be fine. It's just, like, rubber wheels.
Jonathan: Plastic.
Argyle: Oh. Not like hard plastic. Just... Just the soft kind.

Owens: And I also understand that military strength is not the answer.
Sullivan: So what is the answer, Doctor? More scientists? Because it was men of science, men like you, who created this problem in the first place. Everything that has happened in Hawkins can be traced back to Brenner's little pet. Wouldn't you agree? (Dr. Brenner trained her for this very thing. Remote assassinations.

Sullivan: There were no signs of any attacker. No bruises. No signs of any struggle. It's as if her attacker was a ghost. Does this remind you of anything, Doctor?
Owens: No, it doesn't.
Sullivan: Are you sure?

Eleven: I want you to say sorry to me, and I want you to tell my boyfriend that it was just a joke and that we are really friends.
Angela: Or what? You gonna hurt us with your mean stare again? Sorry you can't cry to teacher today. You'll just have to cry to your daddy instead. Oh, wait. Can't do that either.

Mike: Hey, hey, turn it off.
DJ: Sorry. I can't hear you, dude.
Mike: I said turn it off. If you say so.

Stranger Things Season 4 Quotes

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Dear Mike, Today is day 185. Feels more like ten years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travelers if you think about it. For example, this week is going very fast. I think because I am so busy. I have to make something called a visual aid. I hope Mrs. Gracey will give me an A.
