They want a war? They got a war.


Harvey: Now get the hell out of here.
Donna: And do it quick, before I have to call security to tell them I'm beating the shit out of you.

Donna: How long has it been since I slapped you in the face because that is all I can think about right now.
Hardman: Promises, promises.

Claire: One day it is going to come crashing down, and if you really do love her, you'll put a stop to this right now.
Mike: So you think I should stop being a lawyer?
Claire: I'm saying if you really love her, you won't marry her.

How dare you defile Game of Thrones by comparing Harvey to Jon Snow.


Even if he hadn't invited me back, an army couldn't have kept me away from your partnership vote.


Mike: You know a guy in custom engraving?
Harvey: I know a guy in everything.

I am going to sue the shit out of him!


If you want to get along with me, you better find a way to get along with him.


I'm not going to let you treat me like I'm less than you!


Louis doesn't do anything quietly.


Mike: Jessica no you can't make me work with that man.
Jessica: Oh, I can make you work with the goddamn window washers if I want to. And if you don't do this, you might find yourself dangling 50 stories above the ground.

Suits Season 5 Quotes

Mike: What about the bubble? There's no Donna in the bubble.
Rachel: Come on, there's room for Donna in the bubble.
Mike: You realize I get to sleep with whoever's in the bubble, right?
Rachel: So long as you realize that my dad's in the bubble.
Mike: Donna it is.

Rachel, you just agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. Right now, I'm pretty okay with everything.
