I just thought showing Tara your wood wasn't the only way to show her what kind of man you are.


This is our house. What are you doing here?


How do I tell a man he's going to die?


Louis: Donna, I need you to help me feel my wood.
Donna: Oh, dear God.

  • Permalink: dear God.
  • Added:

I don't take legal advice from a convict.


You do that and I'll tell the courts that you just admitted to me that you tried to poison Mike.


Oh, you gotta be shitting me.


Well, if it isn't my knight in shining armor.


Donna: Louis, you have your own secretary.
Louis: Thanks for nothing

Rachel: I was petrified.
Donna: Death row, how could you not be?

Well, if it isn't Louis Shit. What's happening, boss?


Son of a bitch. This is the prune juice all over again.


Suits Season 6 Quotes

Louis: Where the hell are you going?
Donna: Where do you think I'm going? I'm going home, Louis.
Louis: Don't you get it? They're all gone. Every single one of them.
Donna: Yeah, we knew that already.

no, and if you have a problem with that, frankly my dear i don't give a damn.
