Assistant: You can't go in there.
Harvey: Try and stop me. You son of a bitch. You murdered Frank Gallo.
Roger: Ashley, I'll handle this. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Harvey: Bullshit. You said if I couldn't stop him from testifying you'd find someone who could.
Roger: I meant I'd get Thomas Bratten involved. I didn't mean I'd kill a man and you did stop Gallo from testifying so why would it matter?
Harvey: Because you wanted to make sure that Robet Zane didn't reverse it, so you had him murdered.

Jessica: Louis, can I talk to you for a minute?
Louis: Hey, Jessica. We're just in the middle of something.
Jessica: Now.

  • Permalink: Now.
  • Added:

Alex: That's it. They've had me by the balls ever since.
Harvey: Jesus, how did you let yourself get compromised like that?
Alex: This is my situation, Harvey.
Harvey: No, this is a firm situation and we need to cut ties with those bastards right the hell now.

Harvey: Jessica, don't do this to me.
Jessica: I am not doing anything. You did it to yourself.

Louis: Woah woah woah, back the truck up, Jessica. Therapy? I'm the most stable guy you've ever met.
Jessica: And you fight me on this, you're going to be the most unemployed man I've ever met.

Louis: I'm sorry, but did you just speak in a German accent.
Lipchitz: Take a seat.
Louis: Holy shit, you're a god damn Nazi.
Lipchitz: What did you just say to me?
Louis: I said I'm not going to sit here and talk about the weather, let alone my god damn feelings. Thanks, but no thanks, Wintershnitzle.

Rachel: You're just going to live a life of keeping secrets again?
Mike: No, this is not the same as me being a fraud.

Brian: Louis. I was just making a cup of coffee. I'm not taking any time off. I swear.
Louis: Oh, Brian. It's okay to take a break every now and then.
Brian: It is?
Louis: Yeah. Absolutely. In fact, coffee preparation is very important.

Paula: Good morning.
Harvey: Hey, did you sleep well.
Paula: If you consider eight hours of bliss sleeping well, then yes.

I had to lie to Harvey's god damn face. I wanna hear that you're dropping this thing.


Paula: There are things about this situation I would rather not get to Harvey.
Louis: This stays between you and me.

Rachel: Mike, if you don't tell me what's going on, I'm going to start to wonder what else you've been keeping from me.
Mike: I wasn't lying about working the case with Oliver. I just didn't tell you which one.
Rachel: The prison one?
Mike: Yeah.
Rachel: You signed an agreement. This is a fireable offense.
Mike: Harvey isn't going to fire me.
Rachel: Maybe he should.

Suits Season 7 Quotes

Nathan: Good. You're here early. I need you to take point in a consumer fraud hearing.
Mike: Nathan, I need to talk to you.
Nathan: Look, I know things got heated between us the other night, but as far as I'm concerned, it's water under the bridge. So, if you're wondering if I'm still upset at you, I'm not.

Therapist: Harvey... what you doing here?
Harvey: Nothing, I was just driving this baby around and remembered how much street parking I had.
Therapist: Is that supposed to impress me?
Harvey: Well, I hope so. It sure as hell impresses me.