Thank you for coming to the shower. You gave me an amazing gift. You showed me that I'm not that scared little girl in that picture anymore. I'm an adult woman, and I am happy in my own skin. And I am so fortunate that I am surrounded by people who value and cherish me. I finally understand that I don't need you to see me, or to get me, or to even like me. I don't need anything from you. I'm already good.


J'onn: My father thinks I'm a coward.
Kara: Then he doesn't know you. 'Cause the man I know has dedicated his entire life to making sure what happened on Mars never happens anywhere else. So go in there J'onn. Show your father who his son really is.

You think you have what it takes to break my father's mind? More powerful Martians than you have tried, boy.


Supergirl Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

You think you have what it takes to break my father's mind? More powerful Martians than you have tried, boy.


J'onn: My father thinks I'm a coward.
Kara: Then he doesn't know you. 'Cause the man I know has dedicated his entire life to making sure what happened on Mars never happens anywhere else. So go in there J'onn. Show your father who his son really is.