I discovered the most incredible thing today. Did you know, if you grind the coffee beans with the cocoa beans, you get the most delectable mixture? It makes the flavor senses of my mouth smile.


Supergirl: Even if I did trust you, even if we were on the same side, this substance is so lethal to me, that I can't risk encountering it by mistake.
Lena: Trust is hard for me too, Supergirl, but since we seem to need each other, we're just going to have to figure it out.

I need a man, a partner, who will choose me with a full heart. Go back. Help her fight Reign. If you stay, then that's your destiny. If you return, I'll know you have no doubts.


Mon-El: Why would you bug them?
Brainy: I grew quite fond of Supergirl and her compatriots. I wanted to keep tabs.

Winn: Did Mon-El tell you about my dirt collection?
Brainy: No, I ran a diagnostic of your personality, and calculated with a 98..7% certainty that you either collected dirt or New York Mets baseball cards.

Winn: J'onn's going to be sad he missed you.
Mon-El: Tell him it's okay. I'll see him in a thousand years.

Brainy: Are you all right?
Winn: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Brainy: Well, you spent an exceedingly long time in the bathroom.
Winn: This isn't a bathroom.

Lena: Oh right, you don't like secrets.
Supergirl: Nope, I don't.
Lena: Good, what's your real name?

Is this what it's like when humans exercise? This is terrible. Why would you ever exercise?


Brainy: Would you like me to count to three?
Lena: Will it help?
Brainy: No, not at all.

Brainy: Once I induce transmission, your minds will be immediately beamed into this dark valley.
Alex: Is it gonna hurt?
Brainy: The chances are better than 50%.
Alex: That's comforting.
Brainy: Really? I didn't think so.

J'onn: There's still one big hole in this plan. How do we send Supergirl back to this valley?
Kara: We fight fantasy with sci-fi.

Supergirl Quotes

Braniac-5: Well the good news is, her mind is active and alert.
Alex: Oh, thank God.
Braniac-5: The bad news is, she is very angry.
Winn: Well, I'm sure she loves being trapped inside a mind prison.

You had me fooled, Danvers. I thought you were a soldier. But then I find this out. All the lies you must have told. You have undermined everything that we stand for, all to protect your own sister. Supergirl.

Colonel Haley