Kara: That was a close one.
Winn: Close? We had, like, you know, 12 seconds to spare.

Kara: He told me he liked me the other day.
Alex: I am so shocked.
Kara: Was it that obvious?
Alex: Duh.

You know, I've been talking to some of the regulars, and apparently Earth males are only supposed to express their feelings about sports and occasionally monster trucks. Who knew?


J'onn: Do you understand me Agent Schott? What you did was insubordination. If you ever keep a secret like that from me again, you are...
Winn: Dead?
J'onn Fired!
Winn: Oh, yes. That's fair.

Evil Scientist: Oh, the cuffs. Fun, huh? Patent pending. It's funny 'cause Shark Tank turned them down. Said my valuation was too high.
James: What do you want with us?
Mon El: And what's a Shark Tank?

Forgiveness isn't something that you give to somebody who's hurt you. Forgiveness is something you give to yourself.


I hate having a nemesis. Clark always makes it look so much fun, like you have a deadly pen pal you see once a year. But having a nemesis is stressful.


Winn: If there's a flaw in your suit, that means the suit is faulty. Which means I have to go fix it. And that already on top of me having to make Mon-El a suit.
James: Mon-El?
Winn: Oh yeah, didn't you hear? He graduated from superhero kindergarten, so now I have to make him a suit, according to Kara. And that just means more work for me.

Alex: My parents always relied on me to watch over my sister, so the few times that I ever did anything for myself, it ended badly. And then Supergirl went missing and I just blew a gasket...
Maggie: Because Supergirl's your sister.
Alex: What are you talking about?
Maggie: Come on. Look, I know you. The only person you get that torn up over is Kara. Plus the glasses don't help.
Alex: I always said that too. It's kind of ridiculous.

Kara: You found us?
Alex: Always.

Winn: I'm scared
Alex: You don't think I was afraid the first time I went out in the field? Dude, I was terrified. But nobody gets better by running away.

Kara: What are you doing here?
Mon-El: Oh, I took the day off.
Kara: It's your second day.
Mon-El: Yeah, didn't want to over due it. So, lunch?

Supergirl Season 2 Quotes

Kara: It's only been twelve hours since you asked me to choose a new position, and most of those hours I was asleep.
Cat: Really? I offer you the keys to the kingdom and you just go to sleep?
Kara: It was night time.

Kara: Wait, wait, wait, wait...this has always been here, with the glass and the views, and you made me fly to that cave everyday?
J'onn: The DEO has several facilities, Kara.
Kara: A bat bit me in the last one.