I wasn’t really me until I found you. You are my truth. You and Esme have created a life for me that I never dreamt would be possible.


Lillian: I need to tell you that I knew. I knew what your mother was. I knew what you are.
Lena: You knew?

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Lillian: The choice is easy, your family or the imp?
Lex: You’re right, the choice is easy. I choose Nyxly.

We're going to figure this out Joey. I promise.


I am looking at people suffer -- people that look like me. People are going to die.


Kelly: I'm glad you're here. The situation in the heights is a mess.
Diggle: Honestly, you sounded more worried about you, about how you are taking it all.
Kelly: I'm fine. I've overcome a lot in my life. I just wanted to make sure the people in the heights get the help they need, and I'm not sure that there's a military solution here.
Diggle: I see. I heard you served, too.
Kelly: I did.
Diggle: You know that life. Sometimes on the battlefield, you do what you have to do to survive. You just keep going, push yourself so hard like you missed the warning signs that maybe something deeper is going on. I'm not questioning your strength but I do want you to know I'm here for you.
Kelly: Looking at those people at the hospital last night, knowing how badly they are struggling, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help them.
Diggle: So, you feel alone in this.
Kelly: Alex sent respirators to the hospital, but the rest of the team, well, they have supervillains to deal with.
Diggle: Oliver Queen was really good at seeing the big picture. Sometimes, because of that, he would overlook things. When I wanted to show him something he missed, sometimes he would require proof.
Kelly: Wish it didn't always require proof.
Diggle: I know, tell me about it. But right now, Kelly, what do you know?

The question is, what are you gonna do, with what you're feeling right now?


J'onn: If I didn't know better, I would say you guys are psychic.
Kelly: Well, we are starting to finish each other's-
Alex: Sandwiches.

Andrea: What do the Super Friends do for fun? I mean, do they even have fun? I want you three to find out.
William: Andrea, it's not like there's a Super Friends hotline we can call.
Andrea: Well, then do whatever you have to. Stalk them. Project a big "S" in the night sky. Jump off a bridge so one of them has to catch you. Then, interview them on your way down. I don't care how you do it, just do it!

Kelly: I brought you back.
Alex: Well, of course you did because you are strong. And you are smart. And you are powerful. Hey, we all have doubts. But it's when you thought that you could protect me, you took a risk. And it's only when we take risks that we can really find out who we are meant to be. And Joey is very lucky to have you in his corner because you are a protector. And you'll always be there for him.

When Supergirl speaks, people listen. If an interview with her can make people hear the message, I'm all for it.


Kelly: I know what I need to do, Alex. This community needs someone who is willing to fight for them, even when the system isn't listening.
Alex: Yeah.
Kelly: It's time to pick up where Jimmy left off. I wanna be the new Guardian.

Supergirl Season 6 Quotes

Lillian: And your sister. You can't kill her either.
Lex: Why not? She killed me first.

Nia, you should hear this. I had to work with Lex to destroy Leviathan. Pushing you away, hurting you...it was to protect you. I love you.
