Sophie: Okay, then what do you think my subconscious is trying to tell me?
Hannah: Let’s say you’re right, a man pushed you from the ferry. Who exactly do you think that man is?

James: Oh, fuck. You’ll have to go over the bridge.
Sophie: It’s worth it. I have to face my fears someday, right?

Caroline: What’s going on? Are you okay?
Sophie: I rode a horse.
Caroline: Like you just decided to ride a horse?
Sophie: I think I might have done it before. Do you think that’s possible?
Caroline: I don’t know. Do you?
Sophie: Sometimes I have these dreams. Or maybe they’re not dreams, I don’t know.
Caroline: What else would they be?
Sophie: Memories.

Sophie: Did James think I was having an affair, too?
Caroline: I have no idea. And even if I did, I never would have discussed it with him. I was your friend.
Sophie: If he did know, what would he have done about it?
Caroline: Listen, okay. I never thought that James was perfect but I know he loves you more than anything.

Sophie: You were right. I can’t trust anyone.
Baden: Your husband’s alibi is a lie. He was never in Portland.
Sophie: I know. Where the fuck was he?

Surface Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

James: Oh, fuck. You’ll have to go over the bridge.
Sophie: It’s worth it. I have to face my fears someday, right?

Sophie: Okay, then what do you think my subconscious is trying to tell me?
Hannah: Let’s say you’re right, a man pushed you from the ferry. Who exactly do you think that man is?