Ty: No, baseball is the only thing we do.
Cece: Really? Daddy and I aren't anything alike but we can talk about anything.

You're him. You're here.


you were an absolute star tonight.


Babe, I know I can't fix all the ways I broke our home. The least I can do is fix our house.


Noreen: Thanks for letting me come by.
Maddie: Thanks for cheering him up.
Noreen: He's a special kid.

Life is full of pain, physical, emotional, spiritual, take your pick. No matter how much you want to, you can't avoid it.


Maddie: What else have I missed?
Dana Sue: If those two get much hotter, I'm getting a fire extinguisher.

Then let's see if we can do that together. I know I said I don't want to risk our friendship but that implies I don't want our friendship to change and I do.

Helen ( to Erik)

Trotter: You look a bit buried, boss. Excuse me for saying, but it’s not your best look.
Maddie: I thought the stress would bring out the color of my cheeks.

Helen: I can not imagine going through this without having this.
Maddie: You never have to go through anything big or small on your own.

It was hot! Like before he put a ring on it hot.

Dana Sue

The main reason I'm here is to help Ms. Helen with her workload.
