I'm so sorry, mom for embarrassing you and scaring you.


Helen: right now, all I can express is gratitude.
Erik: I'm not even asking for that.

Kyle: Nice, just because I wasn’t feeling bad enough, you’re going blame you guys losing State on me too?
Ty: We wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t lost your mind!
Kyle: Great so now I’m crazy? When are we going to talk about your huge ego, Ty? You’re the one who had to go after Jackson both times?
Ty: I was protecting you!

Kyle: if I tell you I'm fine, what happens?
Dr. Ashley: What would you like to have happen?

Ronnie: I hope you know I was and am willing to do whatever it takes.
Dana Sue: I do, and I appreciate it.

Dana Sue: Can we please do this for our little girl?
Ronnie: Anything for our little girl.

They were very lucky tonight.


Ronnie: I think you'd be tickled to find how I can help your cause.
Dana Sue: the way you can help my cause is to sign your name on the application so I can keep my business.

Nellie: it's okay, Kyle.
Kyle: No, it's not. I did this whole thing...
Nellie; I just wanted to help you.
Kyle: And that means a lot. But I could have hurt you.

Maybe the harder thing today is to forgive yourself or someone else.

Paster June

Dana Sue: We're here for you as long as you need us.
Maddie: Forever

Annie, come here baby. Obviously, we have to talk, but I want you to know that I love you and I'm so grateful that you're okay.

Dana Sue