Kathryn: I think we're building something really great here. I don't know why you don't think hearing and deaf kids can't coexist.
Melody: It's too difficult to explain.
Kathryn: You're about to explain it to the school board!

Daphne: People always bring wine to dinner.
Bay: A dinner with minors and recovering alcoholics?

Parenting almost makes the campaign look easy, huh?


Bay: Ohhh. How Downton Abbey of you.
Noah: Huh?
Bay: Never mind.

There's nothing like hitting somebody so hard it feels like you broke your hand knowing that his face feels a lot worse.


Are you sure you're ready to move on?


I'll be your poster child dad. Better yet, I'll be your child who makes you a poster.


I love it. And I love you. Still, from one minute ago.


Not hearing loss. Deaf gain.


I'll probably just stay in and watch Game of Thrones. Nothing says Valentine's Day like some gnarly decapitations.


What? Wherefore art thou dude?


Because I'm not in my 20s. I need a job and a place of my own and a husband who isn't going out getting other women pregnant.


Switched at Birth Season 2 Quotes

I'm so above my pay grade here.


I may not be valedictorian. But I'm determined not to be in the bottom ten either!
