Have you not seen your mother in action? Nothing is a done deal.


It's the last time I try to pull a Kathryn Kennish. Lesson learned. Total disaster.


Lana: I didn't know about you in Rome.
Regina: I don't care. In fact, I should be thanking you. It was never going to work between me and Angelo.

Well come on in and sit down. Awkward family dinners are a big tradition around here.


I just wanted to see if you had a jealous reaction, which you kind of did. Maybe you're more into him than you think.


Kathryn: Toby says that Lana's still not sure where Angelo fits in.
John: Well at least we have that in common.

Why is Angelo's settlement money parked in my driveway?


Wait a minute. So now I'm paying for prenatal care for Angelo's floozy?


I don't want to be your friend. I thought I did, but it hurts too much to be with you but not be with you.


You are not in my body. You do not know how I feel. And if you really think I am not trying hard enough, then you really are not my friend.


Natalie: That's the whole problem, hearies calling the shots.
Bay: Um, okay, I'll start. Natalie Pierce is a bully.
Natalie: Bay Kennish is a poser.

Noah: Where's a volleyball when you need one, huh?
Bay: You heard about that?

Switched at Birth Season 2 Quotes

I'm so above my pay grade here.


I may not be valedictorian. But I'm determined not to be in the bottom ten either!
