One more thing. When I do come back, we got to talk about some stuff. You and your friends, the way you guys handle things, it doesn't seem to phase you like it should. It's like you guys know something I don't. When I get back, I'd like to be in the know.


Liam: Have you guys done something like this before?
Stiles: Something dangerous or something idiotic?
Kira: The it's yes to both.
Scott: You don't have to do be part of it if you don't want to.
Liam: I'm not scared.
Stiles: Well then you're borderline idiotic.

I still hate this plan. I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead.


Stiles: That's your assassin speak?
Argent: I said he's dead. What more do you want?
Stiles: Well it's a little dry, You could have said something more like target has been neutralized, you know. The crow flies at midnight. That's always cool.
Argent: Mmmm.

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I gotta buy a better safe.


Melissa: Why are we doing this? Why are we asking them fight these kinds of fights?
Noshiko: Because otherwise we'd be asking them to run and hide.

I said you can't leave with it; I didn't say you couldn't read it.


Peter: Wanna talk about it? See a family counselor?
Malia: There's nothing in there.
Peter: It cost me a lot to get to that file.
Malia: You got ripped off.

You know what happens when you only hear one side of the story? You only heard one side of the story.


Kate: You were right. He's still alive.
Peter: Thank God.

Scott: Who has the power to know when someone's dead but doesn't need to see the body to know what happened?
Kira: A banshee.

Stiles: Two joggers found a body in the woods.
Scott: A dead body?
Stiles: No a body of water? Yes dumb ass, a dead body.

Teen Wolf Quotes

I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. I'm not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but the closest he could was mischief. His mother called him that until...I remember when Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart, always. We're here tonight because my goofball son because he decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.


Malia: Alright. I'll ask. Who's Kate Argent?
Kira: [raising hand] Uh, I'd like to know, too.
Stiles: Well, we were at her funeral, so I'd like to know how she got out from a casket buried six feet under ground.