Simon: What's your name.
Chris: Chris Andrews. From Iowa.
Simon: Ever done any modeling, Chris Andrews from Iowa?

Call off the dogs, I'm here.


Chris: You aren't like these people, are you?
Raina: Look who's talking.

[to Raina] Get used to it - every model in New York hating you. You're having your moment.


[reading sign] 'Do Not Feed the Models.' No wonder everyone's so skinny.


Chris: Everyone who lives here's a model?
Raina: Crazy right? You okay?
Chris: Yeah, it's just, everything's moving kinda fast.
Raina: Welcome to New York.

Don't you dare feel sorry for me. This'll be you in a few years. Just you wait.


The Beautiful Life Quotes

Chris: Everyone who lives here's a model?
Raina: Crazy right? You okay?
Chris: Yeah, it's just, everything's moving kinda fast.
Raina: Welcome to New York.

Don't you dare feel sorry for me. This'll be you in a few years. Just you wait.
