Leonard: I'm not a crybaby.
Penny: Toy Story 3?
Leonard: They were holding hands in a furnace!

Bernadette: This is pretty cool. You don't see too many spherical cakes.
Amy: I wonder why that is.

Sheldon: When Darth Vader struck down Obi-Wan, did Luke cry like a baby and go to his funeral?
Penny: No. He blew up the Death Star. Why do I know this?!

You're being so quiet. Are you upset or are you just rebooting?


Sheldon: Amy, mourning the inevitable is a complete waste of time.
Amy: And watching a bunch of goody space movies you've seen hundreds of times isn't?
Sheldon: If we were in a physical relationship, you just lost sex tonight.

Professor Proton is dead?


May the forth be with you. Get it?


Raj: Then, why do you watch these things?
Emily: Can I tell you something without you judging me?
Raj: Sure.
Emily: They kind of turn me on.
Raj: And play.

You know what this is? Yeah, and I reserve this word for those rare instances when it's truly deserved. This is malarkey!


Oh! That's a lot of incense. Or someone set a hippie on fire.


Raj: Why can't I be in a relationship with a girl who likes The Sound of Music?
Howard: Raj, you are the girl in the relationship who likes The Sound of Music..

Penny, there's only one cookie with something in the middle that solves life's problems, and that's an Oreo. Or a Nutter Butter, if you're in a pinch.


The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Quotes

Howard: There's a party for incoming post-docs tonight. Go to it and meet someone who isn't made of grease or pie.
Raj: You think you're so cool because your wife is a person?

Sheldon: Even the dung beetle chooses to plot its course by using the Milky Way.
Raj: Is that true?
Sheldon: Everything I say is true. Now, of course, the dung beetle also enjoys eating fece, living in feces and making little balls out of feces. So, pick and choose which aspects of its lifestyle you want to embrace.