All the women's magazines are always encouraging you to be a new you, but being a new Carrie wouldn't be enough. I needed to be a new Larissa.

So it's reunited but it doesn't feel so good?


Because of me Andy Warhol is out there... somewhere...bald.

No one wants to get involved in their parents personal lives. We want them to be parents, not people.


You're figuring out who you want to be, I feel like I'm struggling with who I want to be with.


Sebastian: I love you Carrie Bradshaw.
Carrie: I wanna have sex with you.

I'm an easy target, aren't I?


You've got that look. Some might even call it a gleam, like you've got something to say to me.


As much as I like seeing you not look like the handmaiden of death, he should like you for who you are, not for who he wants you to be.

Well color me interested. A book about sex and an outfit that doesn't scream "hate me!" Does little Bradshaw have a man?


I can't control myself when I'm with you.


It's always the same dream. I'm in the city and I belong. Manhattan is mine. But then I always wake up. The same old Carrie Bradshaw in Castlebury Connecticut.

The Carrie Diaries Quotes

It was like putting a hot dog in a keyhole.


It's always the same dream. I'm in the city and I belong. Manhattan is mine. But then I always wake up. The same old Carrie Bradshaw in Castlebury Connecticut.
