You're supposed to be a very good lawyer. Which means you should be able to clearly and simply explain things to my wife in a way she completely misunderstands.


Suspect: Uh, don't treat me like an idiot. I worked on a law show for two years.
Tao: Must not have been a very good one!

Provenza: Murdered priest in a grade school parking lot.
Flynn: Makes me think bad things.

Brenda: All I need from you is an expert to go over these dental records, match them with these teeth, and tell me which missing person she was.
Fritz: Ok. I'll bite.

Brenda: Well, hello William.
Croelick: Oh, it's Bill. It's just plain Bill.
Brenda: Alright, just plain Bill. I'm just plain Brenda, LAPD.

Provenza: [Handing out latex gloves] You might want to double up on your protective gear since this is a homocide.
Brenda: You seem to be having trouble with your pronunciation this evening

Fritz: Alright, we need to get some units over to this Crag Sherman's house right away. I'll call over to see if I can't get us FBI backup.
Brenda: Oh. Didn't I tell you? We picked him up fifteen minutes ago.

Fritz: [commenting on Brenda's team] They're not the friendliest group I've ever met with.
Brenda: Well, they're a little slow to warm up.

...I like to have answers before I ask questions.


The Constitution entitles you to a lawyer, Mr. Kingsley, not a firm.


Agent Jackson: We're not going to get in anybody's way, trust me.
Brenda: I stopped believing boys who said "trust me" when I was sixteen.

Dennis: Is it too much to hope that you and I might cross paths again one day?
Brenda: Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Dutton.

The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
