Amos Burton: Yeah, but Ganymede is the most important food station out here. They’re not just going to let it collapse.
Prax Meng: This Station is dead already. They just don’t know it yet.

James Holden: “I would have stopped him before it went too far.”
Naomi Nagata: “Every sh*ty thing we do makes the next one that much easier, doesn’t it?”

Technician: We did find traces of various plant materials, but again, that is consistent with the account—she was found in the wreckage of the Ag-Dome...
Sadavir Errinwright: I’m not talking about soybeans, I mean exotic biologicals— anything that shouldn’t be on Ganymede.
Technician: Sir, I’m not sure what you’re getting at… We did a pretty thorough analysis....
Sadavir Errinwright: I don’t want pretty thorough, I want you to go over every goddamn molecule on that armor and tell me if there’s anything you missed!

Prax Meng: "How many people have you killed?"
Amos Burton: "I’m not sure."
Prax Meng: "You’re not sure?"
Amos Burton: "I’m not a homicidal maniac… Holden and Naomi, they’re not like me. They’re better. I’ll watch you back, but they’ll find your little girl."

The Expanse Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Prax Meng: "How many people have you killed?"
Amos Burton: "I’m not sure."
Prax Meng: "You’re not sure?"
Amos Burton: "I’m not a homicidal maniac… Holden and Naomi, they’re not like me. They’re better. I’ll watch you back, but they’ll find your little girl."

Technician: We did find traces of various plant materials, but again, that is consistent with the account—she was found in the wreckage of the Ag-Dome...
Sadavir Errinwright: I’m not talking about soybeans, I mean exotic biologicals— anything that shouldn’t be on Ganymede.
Technician: Sir, I’m not sure what you’re getting at… We did a pretty thorough analysis....
Sadavir Errinwright: I don’t want pretty thorough, I want you to go over every goddamn molecule on that armor and tell me if there’s anything you missed!