Hannah: Who are you?
Shaun: I am Dr. Shaun Murphy. Dr. Glassman's son. Not biologically. But he did for me what he is trying to do for you.
Hannah: So we're both broken toys that he tries to fix because he couldn't fix his daughter.
Shaun: He did not fix me. He loved me. I am different from other people. Other kids thought I was weird. My parents didn't want me, so I thought it too. But Dr. Glassman loved me. I will always have autism, but now I am proud of it. You will always be an addict even if you stop using drugs. But Dr. Glassman can see you are so much more than that. Why can't you?

Charlie: I'm Charlie Lukaitis.
Claire: Shaun speaks very highly of you.
Charlie: He does?
Shaun: I was not complementary.
Claire: Shaun! I was trying to be nice, something which you could try harder to do too.

You were raised in a trailer park by a bipolar mother and you got a full scholarship to med school, then you went to a country where you didn't even speak the language and two years later you're Chief of Surgery. Cancer? Pfft. You're an unstoppable force, Claire Brown, and on top of that you are overwhelmingly beautiful.


If it hurts, it means I'm alive. I'm grateful for that.


Shaun: If you are prescribing her oxy, that is unethical and might be illegal.
Glassman: I am aware.
Shaun: You could lose your medical license. You have to tell her to leave now.
Glassman: Thank you for your concern, but I'm not giving up on her.

Jared: You're into car restoration?
Charlie: No, but my dad was. He'd put on this show whenever I got anxious and it calmed me down.
Shaun: My dad was not supportive.
Charlie: Mine was my biggest advocate.

Charlie: Are you sad, Tayo?
Tayo: Uh huh.
Charlie: Dr. Muprhy and I have a condition that makes it hard for us to understand what other people are feeling. Can you tell us why you're sad?
Tayo: My parents fight a lot about my arm.
Charlie: When parents fight, it's never the child's fault.

Jordan: Do you still need me to babysit Eden tomorrow morning so you and Morgan can get married?
Park: No, because we're not getting married tomorrow.
Jordan: I'm not an expert on marriage, but I'd think agreeing on a date is a prerequisite.

Shaun: Do you think I should have Steve tested for ASD?
Charlie: Getting him tested this early means there is a greater chance of misdiagnosis, and then you will be disappointed when he is just typical.

Shaun: I think we should consult a pediatric neurologist.
Lea: No. No matter what the pediatric neurologist says you're still going to be looking for what's wrong with him.
Shaun: Not wrong. Different.

I used to believe that. Whenever patients in the hospital died, I'd tell myself that it was part of God's plan. But that was a lie. My friend was murdered standing up for one of Your children! You let him bleed out on the sidewalk, alone, not knowing that he was loved.


Park: You're a genius.
Shaun: Savant.

  • Permalink: Savant.
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The Good Doctor Season 7 Quotes

Lea: You should come over one night. You and Steve make the same kind of faces.
Glassman: I'm busy. I got too much going on.
Lea: We live next door to you. We see what's happening. You've got nothing going on.

Shaun: There are alarms for his feedings and naps.
Lea: In case I miss the schedules that are posted on the fridge? Shaun, Steve and I will be fine. Don't worry about us. Just enjoy your first day back.