You're nothing like me, and I don't think you should ever be a surgeon.

Shaun Murphy

I couldn't watch the news anymore so I made cookies. It's stupid, I know. But what else can I do?

Lim's Mother

Shaun: Get Asher.
Nurse: Get Asher?
Shaun: Oh. He's dead.

Glassman: You remember the last time I was in the OR?
Shaun: This is a multi-step procedure.
Glassman: Yeah, I might kill the patient.
Shaun: The patient is already dying.

Guy: I've been waiting two hours.
Lim: Someone will be with you soon. We're short staffed at the moment.
Guy: Then get more doctors.
Lim: Hey! Look around you. People are dying. Now sit down and wait your turn.

Jared: You seemed dismissive of your patient's mother.
Jordan: Forgive me if I'm not broken up about him.
Jared: Riley didn't kill Asher.
Jordan: I know that. But shouldn't there be consequences for what these people do?

Dom: I don't think I can do this.
Morgan: Then quit. Tomorrow.

It doesn't matter who saved him. Let's keep him saved.


Jordan: The driver. I know who he is. He just had a standard dose of morphine 30 minutes ago.
Woman: Can't you give him something more? He's in a lot of pain.
Jordan: A lot of people are in a lot of pain right now.

Man: Maybe you should call your supervisor.
Dom: Maybe.

Park: Springfest was ilke six blocks away from us. You were gonna take Eden.
Morgan: I know it's horrible, but these things don't happen often.
Park: Do they? Look at Asher.

Asher was one of the most courageous people I knew. He had the courage to leave everyone he loved behind to be who he really was.


The Good Doctor Quotes

Aren’t we judged by how we treat people? I don’t mean as doctors. I mean as people. Especially those who don’t have the same advantages that we have. We hire Shaun and we give hope to those people with limitations that those limitations are not what they think they are. That they do have a shot! We hire Shaun and we make this hospital better for it. We hire Shaun and we are better people for it.

Dr. Aaron Glassman

I saw a lot of surgeons in medical school. You’re much better than them. I have a lot to learn from you. You’re very arrogant. Do you think that helps you be a good surgeon? Does it hurt you as a person? Is it worth it?

Dr. Shaun Murphy