I don't want Jesus' blood on my hands.


Glassman: You left your pre-op contact blank.
Hannah: You planning on offing me on the table?
Glassman: Not planning on it, but if something happens, I need to be able to call your mom or your dad.
Hannah: Yeah, well good luck with that. They kicked me out years ago so if you're looking for someone who cares if I die, you'll have to look elsewhere.

Lim: She's an addict, and she's around the same age your daughter was when she died.
Glassman: Wow. Okay. Hannah is in real pain, and she is not going to get over her addiction until someone addresses it.

Lea: You stole my nanny!
Morgan: I told you to hire her on the spot, but you hemmed and hawed and dilly-dallied and I needed a nanny.

Shaun: He is an ideal donor.
Jordan: Except he thinks he's Jesus. He's crazy.

Glassman: Your record says you're drug seeking.
Woman: Forget it. I'll find another doctor who'll help me.
Glassman: Wait, wait. Sit.
Woman: I don't have to listen to you.
Glassman: No, you don't. Please. Sit.

I couldn't watch the news anymore so I made cookies. It's stupid, I know. But what else can I do?

Lim's Mother

Shaun: Get Asher.
Nurse: Get Asher?
Shaun: Oh. He's dead.

Glassman: You remember the last time I was in the OR?
Shaun: This is a multi-step procedure.
Glassman: Yeah, I might kill the patient.
Shaun: The patient is already dying.

Guy: I've been waiting two hours.
Lim: Someone will be with you soon. We're short staffed at the moment.
Guy: Then get more doctors.
Lim: Hey! Look around you. People are dying. Now sit down and wait your turn.

Jared: You seemed dismissive of your patient's mother.
Jordan: Forgive me if I'm not broken up about him.
Jared: Riley didn't kill Asher.
Jordan: I know that. But shouldn't there be consequences for what these people do?

Dom: I don't think I can do this.
Morgan: Then quit. Tomorrow.

The Good Doctor Season 7 Quotes

Lea: You should come over one night. You and Steve make the same kind of faces.
Glassman: I'm busy. I got too much going on.
Lea: We live next door to you. We see what's happening. You've got nothing going on.

Shaun: There are alarms for his feedings and naps.
Lea: In case I miss the schedules that are posted on the fridge? Shaun, Steve and I will be fine. Don't worry about us. Just enjoy your first day back.