Yes, it’s a violent word with a violent history, but black people reckon with it every day. It’s our word. If we use it, if we don’t use it, when we use it, where we use it, you don’t get to have an opinion. Autonomy over that word is our reparation.


Edie: You didn’t raise your hand. We need everyone to participate.
Jay: I don’t know Marcus. Maybe he really likes watermelon. Maybe Tim was correct in his commentary.
Edie: Marcus does not eat watermelon.
Jay: Then Tim is a racist.

The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Marissa: What the fuck? Tell dad if he wants to come berate me to do it himself. Don’t send his Democratic mini lapdog.
Frank: Democratic…
Marissa: Every time I talk to a Republican, dad is crawling up my ass.
Frank: What Republican?
Marissa: I’m not a Republican, and I’m not gonna vote Republican, but I might fall in love with a Republican and have little Republican children.
Frank: What Republican are you…
Marissa: No, no, no. You just tell dad to fuck off, OK, and you fuck off too.
Adrian: Frank, we’re ready for you.
Frank: Good. So nice seeing you, Marissa.
Marissa: I thought you said Frank Landau was here for me.
Receptionist: No, I saw Frank Landau was here.
Marissa: Fuck.

Diane: You screwed up Mr. Canning.
Canning: Ms. Lockhart, hello. How did I screw up?
Diane: You thought you were going up against some small pro bono defendant, but I’ve been bankrolled by STR Laurie to go after cases that interest me, and this one really interests me.
Canning: You seem angry Diane.
Diane: See you in court.