That's insane. But it's also like the eleventh most insane thing to happen today so who cares.


The world is empty. There is no point to anything and you're just gonna die. So do whatever!


Michael: As soon as you learned about the afterlife your motivation to be good was corrupted, so you can't earn points anymore. So sorry for eternally dooming you.
Janet: And that's our bad guys.

I'm really good at telemarketing. I can usually guess how long to microwave food without looking at the box. I'd say those are my two main skills.


I'm not mad. I'm actually laughing because this whole study was a hilarious, stupid, pointless joke. And now it's over, so let's hit the road. I don't need you guys. You don't need me.


I know how that goes. Not wanting something to end. Feeling like your team is the last thing standing between you and oblivion. That at any moment, the universe could fold up around you and squeeze the last breath from your dying lungs.


Oh no, not a great start. Eleanor farted and then she blamed it on her chair. That's gonna cost her at least a few points.


Chidi: Trevors right. I might skew the study by fraternizing with the subjects. We can be colleagues. Associates is pushing it. By even having this conversation you're becoming my confidant! I can't have that.
Eleanor: Geez. Kinda thought that before everyone else showed up you and I were like, becoming actual friends.
Chidi: Oh no! You're right! What have I done?!

My whole life has been a torture chamber of indecision and now I'm finally on the path to understanding why. And the only reason why that's happening is because you walked into my office and you said you wanted to be a better person.


Eleanor: Do you think taking a spider into an MRI machine will give you superpowers?
Jason: Hey, it might work! He already bit me a bunch of times and gave me the power to swell up my hand.

When I did this experiment in my neighborhood, every time Eleanor asked Chidi for help their bond became unbreakable and the entire group improved.


I saw this place that was at once a Pizza Hut and a Taco Bell! I mean oh! The mind reels! A Pizza Hut and a Taco Bell!


The Good Place Season 3 Quotes

I almost died. And it made me want to become a better person. Which I did for a while, but then I fell back into my old trashbag ways. But yesterday I saw your lecture and something just clicked.


I saw this place that was at once a Pizza Hut and a Taco Bell! I mean oh! The mind reels! A Pizza Hut and a Taco Bell!
