They'll be coming for us.

Commander Lawrence

June: I have a house full of Picassos, Cezannes, Rembrandts, Pissarros.
Billy: So you know Beth, you're in the Lawrence house.
June: It's like living in the attic of MoMA.
Billy: That fucker raided all the museums the first chance he could get.

Commander Lawrence: You should have known.
June: I should have known you were a fucking liar?
Commander Lawrence: You should have known that my wife is more important to me than you are.

Fine, I'll ask. Will you grant me permission to rescue fifty-two kids from a lifetime of salvagings, torture, and rape?


Wouldn't it be funny if you actually turned out to be a hero?


Eleanor: Will it make it better?
June: Yes.
Eleanor: How do you know it will work?
June: Because it has to. Because all of this has to add up to something. It has to mean something. I need your help, Eleanor. Help me make it mean something.

Fifty-two. Marthas and handmaids are offering to help me get fifty-two kids out. Fifty-two kids, and ten seats. How does that math work? Moira would tell me I need to keep my fucking shit together.


The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Eleanor: Will it make it better?
June: Yes.
Eleanor: How do you know it will work?
June: Because it has to. Because all of this has to add up to something. It has to mean something. I need your help, Eleanor. Help me make it mean something.

Fifty-two. Marthas and handmaids are offering to help me get fifty-two kids out. Fifty-two kids, and ten seats. How does that math work? Moira would tell me I need to keep my fucking shit together.
